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Aura Energy Healing Techniques

Useful Aura Healing Tools for your toolkit
Aura Energy healing techniques can be done through various types or simply you can do it in different ways. You can heal with your hands, your eyes, your voice, your energy field, your full body, your intention. But basically the article is all about healing with the help of hands. This page represents a few basic hand-based energy healing techniques to get you started. With these techniques, you should feel comfortable starting to work with simple healing and wellness issues for yourself and close family and friends. However, you should not practice outside your immediate circle.

Before Aura healing practices, you’ll need to prepare yourself a bit and get that vibe that will help you in the process. Go into a healing with your vibration at the highest level possible. Here are some ideas for energy healer preparation.

The Power of Intention
Whatever healing it is, it takes a lot of willpower to make it work. Now if the intention is unbelievably powerful, then the next important thing is the specific energy healing techniques we use. Setting an intention to heal, to support the client's (whether it's you or another person) highest good, to remain non-attached to outcome--this is the foundation of all other healing work.

Always start with a perfect will and you must realize what your specific intentions for the healing are.

The Healing Power of Presence
Along with intention, simple presence -- mindful witnessing -- may be the most deeply transformative practice available to you as a healer and a self-healer. Learn about presence, including a Healing Presence Meditation.

The Power of Suggestion
As an energy healer, the power of suggestion is an important tool that you need to use consciously and positively.

Scanning the Field
Scanning involves passing the hands over the energy field, a few inches to a few feet away from the physical body, to pick up information and assess the field.

With open palms turned toward your body, move your hands along the front of the body, starting about 4-5 inches away. Generally move from the feet to the head. Stay relaxed and be open and aware to sensations in your hands. You might feel buzzing, hot, cold, bumps, dips, pushing, pulling, or many other sensations. You may get intuitive information, or you may just feel drawn to particular chakras or areas of the body. Just notice--don't try to interpret or diagnose.

Still Hands Process
In Aura healing Technique, one of the mostly used method is to use the still placement of your hands to clear and modulate imbalanced, "stuck," or discordant energy.

With your hands on the physical body or in the field, you simply hold your hands still or move them very slightly over an area where the energy feels interrupted. Your motive here should be to return the energy to balance, flow, and consistency. At some point, the energy will feel smooth or harmonious again, or you will get the sense that it's time to move on.

If it does not resolve in a sensible length of time, it may be that the disharmony is a required part of a larger process of healing. In that case, let go it to a higher wisdom and move on.

This is a very natural process. For example, everyone has hurt themselves and automatically placed their hand on or held the hurt place. That's a natural form of modulation. Reiki is another form of energy healing that relies a lot on modulation.

Sweeping or Smoothing Hands
This basic Aura energy healing technique uses the hands in motility to smooth and clear the field when it feels demented, ruffled, buzzy, rough, blocked, in turmoil, or otherwise disharmonious and unbalanced. It helps return the energy to its natural state of movement, flow, and harmony. To do this, simply move your open palms continuously in a sweeping, smoothing motion through the field, about 6 inches to several feet above the body. Generally speaking, move your hands from above the area you are working on, to well beyond it.

A sequence that often works well is to drag the whole field for a while, then to turn your focus to particular places that seem to need extra hold, and then to end by dragging the entire field again for a while. You can often feel the energy smooth out as you work with it.

Energy Pump
When spare energy has collected in an area of the body or field, the hands are used to "pump" or "drain" the energy off, helping to rebalance the area. This can be particularly useful for headaches, wounds, and other types of pain.

Place your right hand (you can shift according to your right or left hand preference) in the field above the area of pain or excessive energy. Hold your left hand out and away from you, pointed toward the ground.

Hold the intention to pull the excess energy into your right hand and send it out into the earth through your left hand. You may be able to feel the flow of energy. If you feel the flow of energy slow down before the client's pain has diminished significantly, you can gently "pump" your left hand, making a gentle fist and opening it back up again several times in fast succession.

Magnetizing is an energy healing technique that can help to pull unwanted energy out of the field (e.g. the energy of another person, of a drug, of an illness, of a painful experience, etc.), by using your hands like magnets.

With your hands in the field above the area that seems to need this treatment, set the intention to pull the unwanted energy out of the body and/or the field. Visualize or feel it being pulled out the client's body/field and "sticking" to your hands. Every so often, flick your hands toward the earth to get rid of the energy.

If you want to treat the whole body/field, repeatedly pass your hands through the field along the whole body, in most cases moving from above the head to beyond the feet. Imagine the unwanted energy sticking to your hands. Use your hands in a rake-like fashion (with your fingers or energy-fingers acting as the tines of the rake). Every so often, flick your hands toward the earth to dispel the energy collected on your hands. Often you will feel the client's energy become very smooth. This is very similar to smoothing the field, but with a slightly different intent.

After-Healing Self-care
Just as necessary as the Aura energy healing techniques you use for others are the techniques you use to care for yourself. After the energy healing, wash your hands up to your elbows in cool water. If you feel you have unknowingly taken on the pain or energy of your client, here are some things you can do:

Get outdoors and take a brisk walk.
In this technique, all that you need to do is say characteristics about yourself out loud. (e.g. "My name is Mark. I have black hair and am 45 years old. I have a dog named Buffy. I love to sing and support people on their healing path. Etc")

Imagine your core as a little, lovely light, flame, or treasure inside your body/field. Locate it somewhere in particular (e.g. your heart, your abdomen, your head). Visualize it arising and expanding, first to fill your body, then to fill your field. As it expands, visualize or know that it pushes out of your body/field anything that is not of you.

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